Customer Feedback Platform

Stop guessing, start listening! Gain deep insights into your customers’ thoughts and uncover opportunities to enhance their happiness — ensuring they remain loyal for the long haul.

NPS benchmarks

Ditch the guessing game! Hear your customers, boost your business.


Guesswork simply doesn’t cut it. Understanding your customers’ needs and desires is the key to building lasting relationships and fueling business growth.

Our customer feedback platform empowers you to:

Eclipse AI Survey Dashboard

Customer Service: Shine or Sink?


Uncertain if your customer service is hitting the mark? Ditch the guesswork and unlock the power of key KPIs with Eclipse AI!


Trusted by leading brands

Customer Feedback Platform Snapshot

Take a quick look at the Eclipse AI Customer Feedback Platform

Play Video about Survey Dashboard

Trusted worldwide by 2,000+ customer-centric brands

“The goal isn’t to collect customer feedback. The goal is to use the feedback to provide a better customer experience.”

Bill Bates, Chief Strategy Officer

Related Resources

Customer Feedback

Customer Feedback: Is it worth the effort?

Customer feedback refers to the information, opinions, and insights shared by customers about their experiences with a product, service, or company. It can be collected through various channels, such as surveys, reviews, feedback forms, social media, emails, and customer service interactions.

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What else can Eclipse AI
do for you?

Our platform consolidates and analyses the omnichannel voice of customer data, providing visibility, insights, and actionable intelligence to drive consistency and growth.


Collect, Distribute and Analyse Surveys

Online Reviews

Google My Business, App Store, Gooogle Play and many more


Analyse audio and video conversations


REST API to setup a live feed of data from your Help Desk tool into Eclipse AI


AI-generated insights to identify gaps and improvements


Sentiment analysis

Analysing emotions in customer feedback


Consolidate VoC across different channels

Real-time alerts

Receive real-time email alerts when something is trending up or down


Eclipse AI’s customer feedback software is a comprehensive tool that allows you to easily collect, analyze, and act on customer feedback.

You can create a variety of surveys, including Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Effort Score (CES), and Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) surveys. We also offer customizable options for specific needs.

You can distribute your surveys via email, web link, or embed them directly on your website.

Yes, we offer a 30-day Professional free  trial so you can experience the platform firsthand.

Get an interactive demo of all the Eclipse AI features and abilities. We are here to assist and guide you throughout the process.

Eclipse AI is a generative AI tool that unifies and analyses your omnichannel voice-of-customer data and gives you actionable intelligence to drive retention.

Copyright © 2023 Eclipse AI Pty Ltd, All rights reserved.

Eclipse AI Pty Ltd, 9 Waterside Place, Docklands, Melbourne, Victoria, 3008 Australia // ABN: 78648925606

Transform your Voice-of-Customer data into insights with a couple of clicks

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