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10 Must-Ask Questions for Your Next eNPS Survey

In a world where the lines between work and life blur more each day, tapping into how your employees truly feel isn’t just smart—it’s essential. That’s where Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) swoops in. Think of it as your direct line to the heart of your organization, offering unfiltered insights into your team’s engagement and loyalty. But to truly unlock its potential, you need to ask the right questions. Here’s your playbook to crafting eNPS questions that are as insightful as they are impactful.

employee Net Promoter Score questions
employee Net Promoter Score questions

Table of Contents

Quick refresher

eNPS measures the likelihood of your employees recommending your company as a fantastic place to work. It’s a snapshot of your organizational health, distilled into a simple score that hides layers of insights waiting to be uncovered.

The eNPS is determined by asking employees how likely they are to recommend your company as a great place to work. Responses, based on a 0-10 scale, categorize employees as Promoters (9-10), Passives (7-8), or Detractors (0-6). To find your eNPS:

  1. Subtract the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters.
  2. The result, ranging from -100 to 100, is your eNPS score.

This score provides a clear gauge of your overall employee engagement and loyalty, guiding you on where to focus your efforts to improve workplace satisfaction.

how to calculate employee net promoter score
how to calculate employee net promoter score

The Importance of eNPS

Why obsess over a score? Because behind every eNPS is a story—a tale of triumphs, challenges, and the everyday realities of your team. It’s about more than just retention; it’s a key driver of a positive, productive workplace culture where everyone feels they belong and can thrive.

The 10 Essential eNPS Questions

Beyond the core eNPS question, diving deeper into specific aspects of the employee experience can provide invaluable insights. Here are the 10 most important eNPS follow-up questions to include in your survey:

The Foundation

How likely are you to recommend our company as a great place to work?

The Insights

Can you share the primary reason for your score?

Unpacks the motivations behind their rating, offering specific areas for praise or improvement.

What’s one thing we could do to make you more likely to recommend us?

Encourages constructive feedback and suggestions.

Do you feel valued and recognized for your contributions? Why or why not?

Gauges the effectiveness of your recognition programs.

How well do we communicate important company updates to you?

Assesses transparency and communication efficacy.

Do you have the tools and resources you need to be successful in your role?

Identifies gaps in resources or support.

How supported do you feel in your professional development here?

Highlights opportunities for growth and learning.

What’s one change we could make that would significantly improve our workplace?

Seeks actionable insights for workplace enhancement.

Do you feel your opinions are considered in company decisions?

Measures feelings of inclusivity and respect.

How does our company support your work-life balance?

Evaluates policies and culture surrounding work-life integration.

From Insights to Action

Gathering feedback is the first step; what you do next defines your success. Make your eNPS survey a staple of your organizational rhythm, revisiting and reflecting on the feedback regularly. Transparently share the insights with your team, along with your action plan to address their feedback. This doesn’t just elevate your eNPS score—it builds a culture of trust and continuous improvement.

Employee Net Promoter Score Survey – Best Practices

Improving the response rate to your Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) survey is crucial for obtaining a comprehensive and accurate measure of employee engagement and satisfaction. A higher response rate ensures a more reliable dataset, which, in turn, provides clearer insights for making meaningful improvements. Here are strategies to enhance your eNPS response rate:

Communicate the Purpose and Importance

Explain Why It Matters: Clearly communicate the purpose of the eNPS survey and how it benefits employees. Understanding the impact of their feedback on workplace improvements can motivate participation.

Highlight Anonymity and Confidentiality: Assure employees that their responses are anonymous and will be treated confidentially. This can increase comfort levels in providing honest feedback.

Make It Accessible and Convenient

Ensure Easy Access: Distribute the survey through accessible, familiar channels. Whether it’s via email, an intranet portal, or a mobile app, choose the medium most used by your employees.

Keep It Short: Respect your employees’ time. A concise survey is more likely to be completed. Aim for it to take no more than a few minutes to complete.

Engage Leadership and Managers

Involve Leadership: When leaders actively participate and encourage completion of the survey, it signals its importance to the organization. Leadership endorsement can significantly boost response rates.

Equip Managers to Promote: Provide managers with talking points or materials to help them explain the survey’s value to their teams and encourage participation.

Offer Incentives

Consider Incentives: Small incentives can significantly increase participation rates. This could be a team reward if a certain response rate is achieved, such as a team lunch or a casual dress day.

Provide Feedback Loops

Share Results and Actions: One of the most powerful motivators for participation is demonstrating that the survey leads to real change. Share survey results and subsequent actions taken by leadership to address feedback.

Create a Culture of Feedback: Foster an environment where feedback is continuously sought and valued, not just during survey times. This can increase engagement with the eNPS survey as employees see it as part of an ongoing dialogue.

Timing and Frequency

Choose Your Timing Wisely: Avoid busy periods where employees are less likely to have the time or mental bandwidth to complete the survey. Also, consider the frequency of the survey to avoid survey fatigue.

Follow Up

Send Reminders: A gentle reminder or two after the initial survey invitation can catch those who missed it or forgot to complete it. Ensure these reminders communicate the importance of every individual’s feedback.

By implementing these strategies, you can increase your eNPS survey’s response rate, providing you with richer insights into employee engagement and satisfaction. This, in turn, allows for more informed decision-making and targeted improvements in the workplace.

Beyond Measurement: Enhancing Your eNPS

Understanding and improving your eNPS doesn’t stop with survey deployment. Here’s how you can leverage your eNPS insights for maximum impact:

Actively Listen and Respond

Feedback is a gift, but its true value is unlocked through action. Share the findings with your team, acknowledging both strengths and areas for improvement. Develop an action plan that addresses key feedback areas, and keep your team updated on progress.

Foster Open Communication

A culture of open communication encourages ongoing feedback, not just during survey times. Regular check-ins and forums for sharing ideas can make feedback a natural part of your workplace culture.

Recognition and Growth Opportunities

Recognizing employees’ efforts and providing opportunities for professional growth can significantly impact engagement levels. Tailor recognition programs to match your team’s preferences and ensure professional development opportunities are accessible to all.

Prioritize Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is increasingly becoming a critical factor in workplace satisfaction. Explore flexible working arrangements, mental health days, and ensure workload expectations are reasonable.

Build a Culture of Continuous Improvement

Make eNPS surveys a regular part of your organizational rhythm. This not only tracks progress over time but also embeds a mindset of continuous improvement across your company.


By extending the conversation beyond calculating eNPS to actively engaging with and acting on employee feedback, you do more than just measure engagement—you enhance it. The journey to a thriving workplace culture is ongoing, and your eNPS, coupled with a commitment to action, is a powerful guide. Remember, the goal is to not only to identify where you stand but to illuminate the path forward towards a workplace where every employee feels valued, heard, and empowered to contribute to their fullest potential.

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