Eclipse AI

How Eclipse AI Helped Refresh Renovations save 100+ hours of Manual Work

Refresh Rennovations
It consolidates all our Google Reviews, Customer Calls and NPS survey results into one view to give us a clear overview of brand perception and satisfaction. It also uses AI to generate suggested actions for our team to follow up on.

Lost in Feedback: Refresh Renovations’ Struggle with Scattered Data

Running 150 franchise locations is no small feat, and for Refresh Renovations, the challenge was made even harder by one big problem: customer feedback was scattered everywhere. From Google My Business reviews to surveys and customer calls, each franchise had pieces of the puzzle, but no one had the full picture. With data trapped in silos, franchisees struggled to understand their customers’ true experiences. The head office was flying blind, making it impossible to deliver consistent service across all locations. Opportunities to improve were slipping through the cracks, and customer satisfaction was at risk.

Great tool for Franchise Organisations

Unifying Customer Feedback for a Clearer Picture

This is where Eclipse AI stepped in to make a difference. We knew the key to unlocking better customer experiences was unifying the data. So, we connected all of Refresh Renovations’ feedback sources into one powerful platform. Suddenly, the scattered puzzle pieces were brought together into a clear picture that the head office could finally see. Every Google review, Survey response, and customer call was now in one place—updated in real time—so the entire company could track what customers were saying, thinking, and feeling.

The impact was immediate. Franchisees and corporate teams could now understand customer sentiment at a glance, and it became much easier to spot patterns that would have been missed before. This was the first step in transforming their customer experience.

Sample: Eclipse AI - Survey Dashboard
Sample: Eclipse AI - Survey Dashboard

Turning Data into Action: How Eclipse AI Delivered Key Insights

But gathering data is just the start. Eclipse AI took things to the next level by analyzing all that feedback and turning it into actionable insights. We weren’t just crunching numbers—we were revealing the story behind them. What were customers consistently unhappy about? Where could franchises go above and beyond to really wow their clients? Our insights didn’t just point out problems; they highlighted opportunities for growth and improvement.

Armed with this knowledge, Refresh Renovations was able to make targeted changes that directly improved customer satisfaction. Pain points were addressed, services were refined, and customers started to notice. The feedback loop was no longer a mystery—it was now a tool for driving real, positive change.

Improvement in NPS

Seamless Integration: Real-Time Collaboration and Decision-Making

One of the most exciting parts of this transformation was how smoothly everything came together. Eclipse AI didn’t just hand over insights and call it a day. We made sure those insights were integrated into Refresh Renovations’ existing tech stack, making collaboration between teams a breeze. With everyone from the head office to franchisees on the same page, decisions could be made faster, and changes could be implemented in real time.

This meant Refresh Renovations could respond to customer needs on the fly, keeping their service sharp and responsive. No more delays, no more waiting for reports—just real-time action powered by real-time insights.

A Winning Formula: How Eclipse AI Transformed Customer Experience and Boosted NPS

The results spoke for themselves. By using Eclipse AI’s unified platform and actionable insights, Refresh Renovations saw a significant improvement —a clear sign that customers were happier with the service. But more than just a number, the boost in NPS reflected a deeper change: franchises were now working together more effectively, customer experiences were more consistent, and satisfaction was higher than ever.

With the power of Eclipse AI behind them, Refresh Renovations didn’t just tweak their customer experience—they transformed it. This success story shows what’s possible when scattered data is turned into a cohesive strategy, and how a clearer view of customer feedback can unlock new levels of growth and success. Refresh Renovations is now setting the standard for franchise collaboration, customer satisfaction, and service excellence—and it all started with unified data.

Turn siloed customer interactions into retention and revenue intelligence

Eclipse AI consolidates and analyzes omnichannel voice of customer data across different channels. Providing visibility, insights and actionable intelligence to drive revenue and growth.

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