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7 Essential Customer Experience KPIs to Measure, Track, and Analyze

Customer Experience KPIs

What is Customer Experience

Imagine embarking on a journey where every step, every interaction, shapes your perception. This journey, intricate and multi-dimensional, is what businesses call ‘Customer Experience’ (CX). It’s the sum of all interactions a customer has with your brand, from the first click on your website to the after-sales service. In today’s digital landscape, crafting an exceptional CX is the cornerstone of brand loyalty and customer retention. Understanding this concept is the first step in mastering the art of customer experience KPIs.

Why Customer Experience KPIs Matter

The significance of customer experience (e.g., in the context of retail customer experience ) cannot be overstated. Creating positive and memorable experiences for customers is paramount in fostering satisfaction and loyalty. Research reveals that 90% of customers who express high satisfaction with a brand are not only inclined to return but also exhibit a strong likelihood of making repeat purchases. This elevates CX from a mere buzzword to an essential business strategy. A stellar customer experience not only garners loyalty but also fosters brand advocacy.

7 Customer Experience KPIs to Measure, Track, and Analyze

To enhance CX, one must delve into specific KPIs that shed light on the customer journey. These metrics are not just numbers; they are insights into your customer’s heart and mind.

Customer Experience KPIs

1. NPS (Net Promoter Score)​

NPS measures customer loyalty and likelihood to recommend your brand. It categorizes customers into Promoters, Passives, and Detractors.

How to Calculate

Ask customers, “On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our brand to a friend or colleague?” Scores 0-6 are Detractors, 7-8 Passives, and 9-10 Promoters.

                                          NPS = (% of Promoters) – (% of Detractors)

net promoter score calculation

Score Representation

A positive NPS (above 0) is good, and above 50 is excellent, indicating strong customer loyalty.

Data Gathering Tips

Utilize post-interaction surveys and embed NPS questions in transactional emails or on your website for ongoing feedback.

2. CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score)​​


CSAT measures how satisfied customers are with your product or service at a specific interaction point.

How to Calculate

After an interaction or purchase, ask, “How satisfied were you with your experience?” on a scale (e.g., 1-5).

     CSAT = (Number of satisfied customers (4 and 5) / Number of survey responses) x 100

how to measure customer satisfaction

Score Representation

A higher score indicates greater customer satisfaction. Aim for a score above 75%.

Data Gathering Tips

Use post-purchase or post-interaction surveys via email, SMS, or directly on your website.

3. CES (Customer Effort Score)


CES assesses the ease of experience a customer has with your service.

How to Calculate

Ask, “On a scale from ‘Very Easy’ to ‘Very Difficult’, how easy was it to interact with our service?”

                         CES= Total number of “agree” responses (ratings of 5, 6, or 7) /
                                                Total number of responses x 100

Score Representation

Lower scores mean customers find it easy to interact with your service, indicating better customer experience.

Data Gathering Tips

Implement CES surveys after key touchpoints like customer support interactions or product returns.

4. Churn Rate


Churn Rate indicates the percentage of customers who stop using your service over a given period.

How to Calculate

                              Churn Rate = (Number of customers lost during a period /
                                 Number of customers at the start of the period) x 100

Score Representation

A lower churn rate suggests better customer retention and satisfaction.

Data Gathering Tips

Regularly monitor customer subscriptions and interactions through your CRM or analytics tools.

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5. Net Sentiment Score

Net Sentiment Score measures overall customer sentiment across various channels.

How to Calculate

Analyze customer feedback across platforms, categorize as positive, negative, or neutral, and calculate the score as the percentage of positive feedback minus the percentage of negative feedback.

      Percentage Net Sentiment = (positive sentiment comments – negative conversation)/
                                                            total number of posts

Score Representation

A higher score suggests a more positive overall sentiment toward your brand.

Data Gathering Tips 

Use social listening tools and sentiment analysis software to aggregate and analyze feedback from social media, reviews, and surveys.

6. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)


CLV is the total revenue you can expect from a customer throughout their relationship with your brand.

How to Calculate

        CLV = Average Purchase Value x Purchase Frequency x Average Customer Lifespan

Score Representation

Higher CLV indicates customers are more valuable over their lifecycle, justifying greater investment in retention.

Data Gathering Tips

Leverage data from your sales and customer database to calculate average purchase values and frequencies.

7. Average Resolution Time


Average resolution time measures the average time taken to resolve customer issues.

How to Calculate:

 Average Resolution Time = Total Resolution Time for all tickets solved / No. tickets solved

Score Representation

A lower average resolution time indicates efficient customer support.

Data Gathering Tips

Track all customer inquiries and resolutions in a customer service management system for accurate measurement.

Tools to Connect, Measure, and Analyze Customer Experience KPIs

Effectively managing these KPIs requires advanced tools. Eclipse AI collects the voice of customer data (online reviews, surveys, customer calls, tickets) and leverages AI to analyze and generates actionable insights allowing businesses to measure, track, and analyze KPIs effectively.

Related Readings:

Best Customer Experience Analytics Tools to Delight your Customers

Unlocking the Secrets of Customer Experience Analytics


Optimizing customer experience KPIs is about customer experience transformation by turning data into meaningful customer relationships. By effectively measuring, tracking, and analyzing these KPIs, businesses can not only meet but exceed customer expectations. As we continue to evolve in this dynamic consumer landscape, ask yourself: Are your efforts in enhancing customer experience in line with the insights these KPIs provide?


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