Eclipse AI

Free Benchmarking Tools

Use our free calculators to benchmark the metrics that matter the most


Benchmark your CSAT against industry competitors with our calculator

Net Promoter Score

Benchmark Net Promoter Score against industry competitors with our calculator

Customer Effort Score

Benchmark Customer Effort Score against industry competitors with our calculator

Customer Retention Rate

Benchmark Retention Rate against industry competitors with our calculator

Customer Churn Rate

Benchmark Churn Rate against industry competitors with our calculator

Benchmark Repeat Purchase Rate

Benchmark Repeat Purchase Rate against industry competitors with our calculator

Customer Acquisition Cost

Benchmark Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) against industry competitors

Customer Retention Rate

Benchmark retention rate against industry competitors with our calculator

Customer Lifetime Value

Benchmark Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) against industry competitors with our calculator

Transform feedback into actionable Insights

➡️ Collect customer feedback across all touchpoints
➡️ Unify customer feedback in one platform
➡️ Get AI-powered insights to improve CX

Transform your Voice-of-Customer data into insights with a couple of clicks

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