Eclipse AI

How to embed a survey in an email

This guide dives deep into the benefits, methods, and best way for embedding surveys in email

How to Embed a survey in an email

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Surveys are a cornerstone of customer experience (CX) research. They offer a powerful way to gather valuable feedback, gauge customer satisfaction, and inform crucial business decisions. But let’s face it, traditional methods like email blasts with external links can feel clunky and disruptive. This often leads to low response rates and incomplete data.

The solution? Embedding the survey directly within your email! This guide dives deep into the benefits, methods, and best practices for embedding surveys in email, helping you create a seamless and engaging experience for your respondents.

In this article we are going to discuss:

Why Embed Email in Your Survey Design?

The advantages are numerous:

  • Increased Engagement: Embedding eliminates the need to click on an external link, keeping respondents focused and more likely to complete the survey.
  • Improved User Experience (UX): A smooth transition from email to survey creates a positive experience, encouraging participation.
  • Higher Response Rates: Fewer clicks lead to fewer opportunities for drop-off, potentially boosting response rates.
  • Mobile-Friendly Surveys: Embedded surveys adapt to mobile devices, ensuring a smooth experience for all respondents.
  • Branding Consistency: Maintain your brand identity throughout the survey experience by keeping respondents within your email layout.

Two Methods to Embed Your Survey:

Eclipse AI provides two primary methods, each with its own approach:

1. Adding a Survey Link Button:

This is a straightforward and accessible option:

  • Craft Your Email Message: Clearly explain the purpose of the survey and why their feedback is valuable.
  • Design a Call-to-Action (CTA) Button: Use clear and concise language like “Take the Survey Now” or “Share Your Feedback.”
  • Link the Button to Your Survey: Ensure the button leads directly to the survey. However, this method requires respondents to click an additional link, potentially leading to some drop-off.

2. Embedding the Survey Directly within the Email

This method offers a truly seamless experience, but may require some technical know-how:

Step: 1

Create a survey inside Eclipse AI.


Step: 2

Add questions, you may add 1 or more questions in your survey. If the survey has more than 1 question. You can embed one question in your email, and when the customer responds to that, a new window will open that will contain the rest of the survey questions. 

Survey Questions
Survey Questions

Step: 3

Select the Embed Survey Option

Step: 4

Select the survey question you want to embed, and copy the HTML Code.

Embeded Survey
Embeded Survey

Step: 5

  • Open your email account, and create new email. 
  • Type in dummy text e.g. Embed Survey.
  • Select the Dummy Text
  • Press Ctrl + Shift + I

This will open the inspect window. 

Embeded Survey
Embeded Survey

Step: 6

  • Press Ctrl F and enter the dummy text you entered
  • This will highlight the text section that contains the dummy text
  • Right Click on the highlighted and Click “Edit as HTML”

Replace the dummy text with the HTML Code, and press enter

Embedded Survey
Embedded Survey

Step: 7

Complete the email body, and hit “Send”

How to embed a survey in an email
How to embed a survey in an email

Best Practices for Email-Embedded Surveys:

  • Keep it Concise: Limit the survey length to a few minutes to avoid overwhelming respondents. Aim for 5-10 questions for optimal engagement.
  • Mobile Optimization: Ensure your survey displays correctly and functions smoothly on all devices, including smartphones and tablets. Test it across various platforms.
  • Pre-populate Information (Optional): Consider pre-filling relevant information like name or email address to save respondents time and improve data accuracy.
  • Personalize the Greeting: Address the recipient by name for a more engaging experience.
  • Test Before Sending: Always test your embedded survey to ensure it functions correctly across different email clients and devices before sending it out to your audience.
  • Express Gratitude: Thank respondents for their valuable feedback at the end of the survey.



Embedding surveys in email offers a powerful and efficient way to gather valuable customer insights. By following these best practices and choosing the right method, you can create a smooth and engaging survey experience that boosts response rates and helps you gain a deeper understanding of your customer base. So, get ready to embed and collect valuable feedback like never before!

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