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How to Increase Brand Awareness

How to Increase Brand Awareness

If people aren’t familiar with your brand, they’re less likely to buy from you. Dive into our guide to learn how to boost your brand awareness and understand why it’s so important.


Brand builders! Ready to take your brand from “Who’s that?” to “Oh, I love them!”? Let’s dive into some super actionable and slightly fun strategies to boost your brand awareness. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned pro, these tips will help you get noticed and remembered.


Even a great brand needs investment and caring if it’s going to retain its relevance and vitality

– Steve Jobs

What is Brand Awareness?

First things first, what exactly is brand awareness? It’s not just about people recognizing your logo or name; it’s about making your brand unforgettable. Think of it as the difference between “Oh, I think I’ve heard of them” and “I absolutely love that brand!”

Why is brand awareness important

  • Trust and Credibility: People trust brands they know. It’s like meeting a friend’s friend versus a complete stranger.  81% of consumers ay brand trust is a deal-breaker or deciding factor in their purchase decisions.

  • Customer Loyalty: Familiarity breeds loyalty. When people know your brand, they’re more likely to stick around and recommend you to others. 59% of consumers refer to buy new products from brands familiar to them.

  • Competitive Edge: High brand awareness means you stand out from the crowd. It’s your secret weapon in a competitive market. A report from Harvard Business Review highlights that brands with high awareness are more likely to experience growth in market share.

Kick off your brand awareness journey with our free survey

How to Increase Brand Awareness

Ready to increase your brand awareness? Here are the main points we’ll cover, each packed with practical tips, step-by-step guides, and actionable takeaways that you can implement right away

  • Leverage Social Media
  • Content Marketing
  • Utilize Paid Advertising
  • Participate in Community Events
  • Collaborate with Other Brands
  • Invest in Public Relations
  • Optimize Your Website
  • Implement Referral Programs
  • Leverage Email Marketing

1. Leverage Social Media

Social media isn’t just for cat videos and memes (though those are great too). It’s a powerhouse for building brand awareness.

Actionable Tips:

  • Consistent Posting: Be regular with your posts. Share updates, behind-the-scenes peeks, and user-generated content. Keep the conversation going!
  • Engage with Followers: Don’t just post and ghost. Reply to comments, answer messages, and acknowledge mentions. Make your followers feel heard.
  • Influencer Collaborations: Partner with influencers who vibe with your brand. Their followers trust them, so their endorsement can boost your visibility. Businesses earn $5.20 for every $1 spent on influencer marketing.

2. Content Marketing

Content is king, queen, and the whole royal family. Creating valuable content attracts and engages your target audience.

Actionable Tips:

  • SEO Optimization: Make sure your content is search engine-friendly. Use keywords, meta descriptions, and alt tags to boost your rankings. Companies that have blogs have 434% more indexed pages, which results in more leads.
  • Educational Content: Provide content that solves problems and educates your audience. Be the go-to resource in your industry. 70% of marketers say content marketing increases engagement.
  • Shareable Content: Create content that people want to share. Think infographics, how-to guides, and fun facts. Articles with images every 75-100 words get double the social media shares than articles with fewer images.

3. Utilize Paid Advertising

Sometimes, you’ve got to spend money to make money. Paid ads can get your brand in front of a large audience quickly.

Actionable Tips:

  • Targeted Ads: Use the targeting options to reach your ideal audience. This way, your ads are seen by people who are more likely to be interested.
  • Retargeting: Remind visitors of your brand with retargeting campaigns. It’s like a friendly nudge to come back and check you out. According to Invesp, retargeted ads can lead to a 147% increase in conversion rates.

4. Participate in Community Events

Be a local hero. Getting involved in community events can enhance your brand’s visibility and image.

Actionable Tips:

  • Event Sponsorship: Sponsor local events like charity runs or cultural festivals. It’s a great way to get your name out there.
  • Host Events: Organize your own events, like workshops or product launches. This creates memorable experiences with your brand.

5. Collaborate with Other Brands

Team up with brands that complement yours. It’s like a superhero team-up but for businesses.

Actionable Tips:

  • Co-Branding: Create a co-branded product or service. This lets you tap into each other’s audiences. A Nielsen study found that 59% of consumers prefer to buy new products from brands familiar to them, making co-branding a powerful strategy.
  • Cross-Promotions: Do joint marketing campaigns or social media shoutouts. Mutual support can significantly boost visibility.

6. Invest in Public Relations

Good PR can be gold for your brand awareness. It’s about managing your image and getting positive media coverage.

Actionable Tips:

  • Press Releases: Send out press releases about significant news. This can attract media attention.
  • Media Outreach: Build relationships with journalists and pitch stories about your brand.
  • Guest Blogging: Write for reputable blogs and online publications in your industry. This positions you as an expert.

7. Optimize Your Website

Your website is often the first impression people get of your brand. Make it count!

Actionable Tips:

  • User Experience (UX): Ensure your website is easy to navigate. A seamless experience can leave a lasting impression. According to Forrester, a well-designed user interface could increase your website’s conversion rate by up to 200%.
  • SEO Best Practices: Use SEO techniques to improve visibility. Optimize on-page elements and build high-quality backlinks.
  • Content Hub: Create a resource hub with valuable content. This keeps visitors engaged and coming back for more.

8. Implement Referral Programs

Word-of-mouth is powerful. Referral programs encourage your customers to spread the word.

Actionable Tips:

  • Rewards for Referrals: Offer incentives like discounts or freebies for referrals. This encourages customers to recommend you.
  • Easy Referral Process: Make the referral process simple. Provide easy-to-share links or codes.

9. Leverage Email Marketing

Stay in touch with your audience through email. It’s an effective way to keep them engaged.

Actionable Tips:

  • Regular Newsletters: Send newsletters with valuable content and updates. This keeps your audience informed and connected.
  • Personalized Emails: Tailor your emails based on customer preferences. Personalized content is more likely to resonate. According to Campaign Monitor, personalized subject lines increase open rates by 26%.
  • Lead Nurturing: Use email marketing to guide leads through the sales funnel with relevant content and offers.

Kick off your brand awareness journey with our free survey

How to measure brand awareness

How do you know if your efforts are working? By measuring the right metrics.

Actionable Tips:

  • Brand Recall and Recognition: Survey your audience to see how well they remember and recognize your brand. High recall and recognition are good signs.
  • Website Traffic: Check your website traffic for increases. More visitors usually mean more awareness. Google Analytics can help track this.
  • Social Media Engagement: Track likes, shares, comments, and followers. High engagement means your brand is resonating.
  • Search Volume Data: Use tools like Google Trends to monitor search volume for your brand name. An increase indicates growing interest.
  • Media Mentions: Track media coverage and mentions of your brand. Positive coverage boosts awareness.


Increasing brand awareness is a journey, not a destination. By leveraging social media, content marketing, paid advertising, community events, brand collaborations, public relations, website optimization, referral programs, and email marketing, you can effectively boost your brand’s visibility. Remember to measure your efforts and adjust your strategies based on the insights you gather. With dedication and the right tactics, your brand can become a household name.

Ready to make your brand unforgettable? Let’s get started!

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