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5 Powerful NPS ® Survey Questions to Ask

NPS® is now the top framework for customer success, adopted by two-thirds of Fortune 1000 companies.

NPS survey questions
NPS Questions for Your Ultimate Feedback Strategy

Before we jump into the questions, let’s set the stage. NPS is more than just a metric; it’s a lens through which you can view your customer relationships. It helps you differentiate between your brand promoters, passives, and detractors, providing a clear path to enhancing customer loyalty and, ultimately, your bottom line.

In a hurry? Feel free to skip ahead to the specifics you’re seeking.

What is Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Net Promoter Score® (NPS) is a widely used market research metric that gauges the loyalty of a company’s customer relationships.

With one simple yet powerful question, “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our company/product/service to a friend or colleague?” NPS cuts through the complexity to reveal the truth about your customers’ loyalty.

Here’s how it breaks down:

  • Promoters (score 9-10): These are your cheerleaders, the ones who are thrilled by what you offer and can’t wait to tell the world about it. They’re the engine driving your growth, fueled by genuine enthusiasm.

  • Passives (score 7-8): Think of these folks as the silent majority. They’re content but not captivated, satisfied but not singing your praises from the rooftops. While they’re not spreading negative vibes, their loyalty hangs by a thread.

  • Detractors (score 0-6): These are the voices of dissent, the unhappy campers. Whether it’s a product mishap or a service slip-up, they’re more likely to share their grievances with others, potentially stunting your growth.

What is NPS Survey

An NPS survey is elegantly simple. At its core, it involves asking your customers that crucial question: “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our company/product/service to a friend or colleague?” But the magic doesn’t stop there.

Following this question, the survey often includes a prompt for open-ended feedback, asking why the customer gave that score. This two-step approach serves a dual purpose: quantifying loyalty and uncovering the qualitative reasons behind the score.

NPS Questions

1. Core NPS Question

NPS Survey Question

On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our company/product/service to a friend or colleague?

  • This question is the foundation of the NPS survey, designed to measure the overall customer loyalty and satisfaction.

2. Open-Ended Follow-Up NPS Question

NPS Survey Question

Could you please tell us why you gave that score?

  • This open-ended question invites respondents to provide context and specifics about their rating, offering deeper insights into their experiences.

3. For Promoters (Score 9-10)

NPS Survey Question

What specific feature or aspect of our service makes you most likely to recommend us?

    • Tailored to understand the strengths of your offering, this question helps identify what delights your most satisfied customers.

4. For Passives (Score 7-8)

NPS Survey Question

What could we do to improve your experience and make you more likely to recommend us?

  • Aiming to convert Passives into Promoters, this question seeks to uncover the missing elements that could enhance their satisfaction.

5. For Detractors (Score 0-6)

NPS Survey Question

What are the main reasons you wouldn’t recommend our service, and what can we do to improve?

  • Focused on identifying issues and areas for improvement, this question addresses the concerns of dissatisfied customers, offering a path to rectify their grievances.

Free Top 4 Customer Satisfaction Survey Templates

  • NPS Survey Template
  • CSAT Survey Template
  • CES Survey Template
  • Customer Feedback Survey Template

What is a good NPS score

Here’s a basic framework to understand NPS scores:

  • 0 to 30: A score in this range is seen as good. It indicates that you have a healthy number of promoters relative to detractors, though there is room for improvement.
  • 30 to 70: This is considered a great score. It signifies that your company has a strong relationship with its customers, with significantly more promoters.
  • 70 and above: An exceptional score, indicating overwhelming customer loyalty and satisfaction. Scores in this range are rare but signify that your business is excelling in meeting customer needs.

Average NPS Across Industries

1. Financial Services

  • Average NPS: 35 to 55

2. Technology (Software)

  • Average NPS: 30 to 40

3. Retail

  • Average NPS: 40 to 70

4. Telecommunications

  • Average NPS: 0 to 30

5. Healthcare

  • Average NPS: 15 to 55

6. Hospitality and Travel

  • Average NPS: 20 to 60

7. Automotive

  • Average NPS: 20 to 50

8. Consumer Electronics

  • Average NPS: 30 to 60

9. Energy and Utilities

  • Average NPS: 0 to 40

10. E-commerce

  • Average NPS: 20 to 65

When to send NPS survey

1. After a Milestone

  • Why: Customer milestones (like a purchase or subscription renewal) are moments of high engagement and reflection, making them ideal for capturing genuine sentiment.
  • When: Immediately following the milestone event, while the experience is fresh.

2. Following Customer Support Interaction

  • Why: Post-support surveys can gauge how interactions with your team influence loyalty.
  • When: Right after the issue is resolved, to assess the effectiveness and satisfaction with the support provided.

3. End of a Trial Period

  • Why: It’s crucial to understand trial users’ likelihood to recommend your product before they decide to subscribe or churn.
  • When: Just before the trial ends, to capture their experience and potential hesitations.

4. After Product Updates or Releases

  • Why: Feedback on new features or updates can guide future development and improvements.
  • When: A few days after the update has been released, giving users time to explore the changes.

5. Periodic Check-Ins

  • Why: Regularly gauging customer sentiment helps track changes over time and identify trends.
  • When: Annually or semi-annually, for a consistent pulse on customer loyalty without causing survey fatigue.

NPS survey best practices

For a streamlined and impactful approach to NPS surveys, here are the top 5 best practices:

Embrace Simplicity

Begin with the foundational NPS question to gauge likelihood of recommendation. This acts as the cornerstone of your survey, designed to elicit a direct response that quantifies customer loyalty at its core.

Time It Right

Deploy your survey following significant customer interactions or at regular intervals for ongoing services. This strategic timing ensures customer feedback is relevant and reflective of recent experiences, enhancing the accuracy and utility of the data collected.

Act on Feedback

Analyzing and acting upon the feedback received is crucial. It’s about diving deep into the responses to identify trends and actionable insights, then closing the loop with customers by addressing their concerns and making visible improvements based on their suggestions.

Select the Appropriate Channel

Choosing the right medium for your survey—be it email, SMS, or in-app notifications—can significantly impact response rates. Opt for the channel that aligns with your customers’ preferences and behaviors to encourage participation.

Benchmark and Improve

Comparing your NPS scores against industry benchmarks provides valuable context, helping to gauge your performance and set realistic goals for improvement. Use this analysis as a springboard for continuous enhancement, leveraging customer feedback to refine and elevate the customer experience.


As we wrap up our dive into the world of NPS surveys, remember, that they’re more than just a score. They’re about connecting with your customers, understanding what makes them tick, and using that knowledge to serve them better. It’s about asking the right questions at the right time, listening carefully to what they have to say, and then taking action to make their experiences even better.

So, let’s keep it simple, stay curious, and always be ready to act on what we learn. By doing this, we’re not just chasing numbers; we’re building relationships and creating a business that customers love to talk about. Here’s to making every piece of feedback count and turning happy customers into the heart of our success story. Let the journey continue!

Net Promoter®, NPS®, NPS Prism®, and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., NICE Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld. Net Promoter ScoreSM and Net Promoter SystemSM are service marks of Bain & Company, Inc., NICE Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld.

Free Top 4 Customer Satisfaction Survey Templates

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