Eclipse AI rated #1 in Proactive Customer Retention for SMEs by G2®
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Meet Eclipse, your AI Assistant

Save endless hours of analysis by turning omnichannel customer interactions into retention and revenue driving insights

1. Unify customer interactions from different channels with a few clicks

Online and App Reviews

✅ Connect online reviews from Trustpilot, Google My Business, Facebook, G2
✅ Connect app reviews from Play Store, App Store
✅ Connect your competitors’ reviews from the above sites
✅ Unlimited connections


Connect Existing Customer Surveys or Create New Ones

✅ Upload your surveys in CSV format 
✅ Or connect Eclipse AI with your favourite survey tools (i.e., Typeform, SurveyMonkey, Google Forms, etc.) for a live feed
✅ Or use our survey builder to build logic-based surveys
✅ All question types supported (multiple choice, multi-select, rating, number, rating, free-text, etc.)
✅ Share your survey via public or private URLs, QR code, or Embed survey in your website or web app using iframe code

Upload or Integrate your Customer Emails

✅ Upload your customer emails in CSV format or
✅ Use our REST API to setup a live feed of data from your CRM or Email tool into Eclipse AI


Upload or Integrate Customer Audio & Video Calls

✅ Upload your customer calls (audio/video) in bulk or
✅ Use our REST API to setup a live feed of data from your Call system into Eclipse AI
✅ Add custom tags to help aggregate and disaggregate the data

Upload or Integrate your Customer Support Tickets

✅ Upload your support tickets in CSV format or
✅ Use our REST API to setup a live feed of data from your Help Desk tool into Eclipse AI

2. Analyse results and spot trends using our customisable dashboards

Online and App Review Dashboards

✅ Analyse your online reviews or app reviews from different sources in one place
✅ Compare your review volume, rating and sentiment with competitors (add as many competitors as you like)
✅ Analyse aggregate sentiment, and sentiment trends overtime
✅ Identify key phrases as well as the trends and the sentiment associated with those phrases
✅ Identify key topics as well as the trends and the sentiment associated with those topics

Survey Dashboards

✅ Analyse survey results across key customer touchpoints
✅ Customise the dashboard to suit your needs i.e., select the charts to display, chart types, order of charts, filter, and order of filters
✅ Filter and segment the data to drilldown and identify gaps and opportunities
✅ Compare NPS, CSAT, CES performance versus industry benchmarks
✅ Analyse aggregate data or trends overtime
✅ Split dashboard view to compare results side by side
✅ Easily download the results into MS Excel to do your own analysis
✅ Analyse sentiment and sentiment trends associated with free-text survey responses

Customer Tickets/Email Dashboards

✅ Customise the dashboard to suit your needs i.e., select the charts to display, chart types, order of charts, filter, and order of filters
✅ Filter and segment the data to drilldown and identify gaps and opportunities
✅ Analyse aggregate data or trends overtime
✅ Split dashboard view to compare results side by side
✅ Easily download the results into MS Excel to do your own analysis
✅ Analyse sentiment and sentiment trends associated with free-text data

Audio/Video Call Dashboards

✅ Analyse audio/video call transcripts and associated sentiment, and sentiment trends
✅ Analyse AI-generated call summaries
✅ Filter results by date, customer, agent, sentiment, plus other custom tags
✅ Analyse aggregate sentiment and sentiment trends
✅ Identify critical phrases as well as the trends and the sentiment associated with those phrases
✅ Identify key topics as well as the trends and the sentiment associated with those topics
✅ Analyse call sentiment by agent or by client as well as trends overtime

3. Receive AI-generated insights to drive retention and revenue

AI generated real time actionable insights

✅ Our generative AI analyses all your voice-of-customer data (from different sources and locations) and gives you specific and easy-to-follow actionable insights to improve retention and revenue
✅ The AI-generated insights are specific to your context and results and adapts to your feedback
✅ Each AI-generated actionable insight is supported by AI-generated sub-tasks to help you execute
✅ Kanban Board allows you to assign owners, send email alerts, set due dates, priorities, and change the status (not started, in-progress, completed)
✅ Integrate the actionable insights with your Workflow Management tools using our REST API AI-generated real-time alerts
✅ Receive real-time email alerts when something is trending up or down or there is a red flag that requires your immediate attention

Our customers say it best

Author picture
Our voc data is all over the place, we have zendesk, we have nps in SurveyMonkey, we have different social media channels, and on top of that there are all those review websites. There are so many different sources of VoC and with the limited resources we have, it is very difficult and very manual for us to collate everything together. By collating and analysing our VoC data, Eclipse AI helps us automate all of that and makes our life easier.

Chief Executive Officer
Author picture
Our business has 730 locations, each with its own Google My Business Review page, it’s a challenge for us to analyse individual pages and unify data from customer surveys, reviews, calls and emails to identify what’s working and what’s not. Eclipse AI helped us unify all that voice of customer data into one easy platform. It also does the analysis for us and provides us with regular data-driven improvement insights.
Franchise Administrator
Author picture
Monitoring customer interactions from over 850+ individual locations was a big hassle for our team, not to mention the time it took to analyse all that data from different channels like surveys, reviews, calls, emails, support tickets and chats. Eclipse AI helps us unify voice-of-customer data from different channels and provides us a holistic view of 850+ locations in one platform. We use this view to identify performance issues at various locations and implement targeted improvement plans that help ensure consistency in Customer Experience.

Chief Customer Officer

Turn customer interactions into insights with a few clicks


Eclipse, your AI assistant unfies your voice-of-customer data from different channels and locations and provides you actionable insights to drive retention and revenue

1. Listen

Connect voice-of-customer data from different channels and locations with a few clicks

2. Analyse

Analyse your VoC data and uncover key trends, topics, sentiments, and themes

3. Act

Receive realtime actionable insights to improve CX across all locations and boost loyalty

Turn Omnichannel Voice-of-Customer into Insights

Unify omnichannel Voice-of-Customer data, analyse it at scale using AI and extract insights to improve performance metrics

✔Free forever  ✔ No credit card needed  ✔ Reduce Churn

Try Professional Features for Free (30-Days)

Transform your Voice-of-Customer data into insights with a couple of clicks

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